Chasing My Dreams

Music has been in my bones since I sang in the church children’s choir at just three years old. Then in my pre-teens, I would spend days writing about stresses, happiness and life. Then when I got older, I began to write about love. Feelings I couldn’t talk about flowed easily in my songs. It felt right, like this is what I was destined for.

The path hasn’t always been easy, I often doubted myself and struggled to find confidence. But I learned to stop listening to the negative voices in my head, and instead just focus on improving and following my heart.

I’ve been fortunate to work with some amazing artists, producers and engineers who have helped me find my voice. The result is an eclectic sound mixing Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, and Funk. I feel blessed to do what I love, and I sincerely appreciate all of my fans and followers! Your support means the world to me.